I did it all! I did everything my upline told me to do. I had prospects on conference calls, 3 ways, and websites. I asked for referrals, called people I didn’t even know, I did it all.
You might even say it worked out decent. Had my first 4 front line partners in my first month. And what happened next? NOTHING. Not an ounce of duplication. Because people are not duplicatable, only systems are duplicatable, and if no one was willing to put in the work I did then nothing was going to happen.
This went on….for months. Pounding my head against the pavement, thinking “I know there is a better way.”
It’s at this point I decided to deviate from the “herd” mentality. I had always been told “this is how the professionals build the business, stick to it”, but thank god I didn’t.
I decided I would venture off into completely uncharted territory. Bread crumb by bread crumb I was led to the internet. And little by little as my eyes opened to the infinite networking power the internet had….I knew this little machine held the secrets to the success I was looking for.
The point being….I thought for myself. I trusted my instincts and sought better ways to do things then the same ole stuff that has been taught in network marketing for 50 years. I wonder if it’s a coincidence 95% of all network marketers fail?
I grew my organization into 5 different countries and across several US states in less then 3 months from the moment I went “live” on the internet.
Personally, I wouldn’t even hypothesize doing network marketing if I had to go back to what it was like before I broke away from the herd. Today, I enjoy only talking to people when they are interested in exactly what I have to offer. No cold calls, no skeptical un interested people….just people who stuck their hand up and said “I want more information”.
Who knows what you might find if you break outside the herd mentality? But I know what 95% of the people don’t find by staying in it.
To get the real tips, strategies, and pain saving lessons on how to do network marketing the right way visit: http://www.JonathanBudd.com
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Don't follow the MLM "Herd" mentality!
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6:58 PM
MLM Article
MLM Training - How to Keep Prospects From Feeling "Baited and Switched"
Before a prospect will "reach out" for more information about your MLM business or products, you must absolutely create just the right amount of curiosity. Do it wrong, and they'll feel "baited and switched" or mislead. Continue reading to learn what I do to keep prospects curious and reaching for more.
One of the best things about giving people gifts is building their curiosity about the gift. Think about Christmas time as a kid: you know the size of the box but you don't know what's in it.
When the right amount of mystery is created, curiosity develops and soon you will find yourself waking up at some ridiculous hour so you can find out what's in that box.
It's this same curiosity that plays an important role when you're inviting a prospect to learn more about your MLM business. Curiosity is what you want to create with your prospect.
Curiosity is defined as: desire to know something: eagerness to know about something or to get information. So for you to be curious about what is in that box, you must have this urge or pull to open it; you must know what's inside of it.
Now let's transfer this to business. When a person tells you how fed up he is with his boss and you ask, "What are you going to do about it?" and that person responds, "I don't know," your reply back should be, "I may have a solution."
You've just created a moment of curiosity. If your prospect isn't curious when he gets off the phone with you, you have nothing.
On the contrary, if you call your friend and ask, "What are you doing Friday night?" and he says, "Nothing," good, the curiosity is there. But if you say something like, "Great I want to meet you and talk to you." and then when you meet up you discuss your business, you have changed his perception from curiosity to feeling tricked. Don't do that. It makes prospects feel baited and switched rather than curious.
Let me explain the difference between the two: it's the difference of being a consultant versus a salesperson. When you're a consultant, you help solve a problem; you do this by asking your prospect the right questions (this is covered fully in Professional Inviter) to fully identify what problem he needs solved-before offering the right solution.
A salesperson knocks on your door and says, "Would you like to buy a garden hose?" A consultant sees you in your front yard with a leaky garden hose and says, "You've got a lot of holes in your garden hose. I can help you with that." The difference is helping someone versus getting the door slammed in your face.
The objective is to create just the right amount of curiosity. I've found that if I tell all, at some point my MLM business is no longer interesting to the prospect. If I tell not quite enough, then there is no interest. But if I give enough information that's just "in between" and enough curiosity is created, then that prospect will want to know more.
And that's what you want to shoot for - just the right amount of curiosity to create enough interest that your prospect will reach for more information about your MLM business or products.
Tim Sales helps network marketers gain the confidence and skills to be an M.L.M success. Learn how to become a true network marketing professional and sign up for his free M.L.M training newsletter and listen to free training at http://www.brilliantexchange.com
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6:57 PM
MLM Article
MLM - The Dirty Little Secret
What is the MLM dirty little secret? The dirty little secret is something your company does not want you to know about. But they’ve kept their secret long enough and now it’s about to be exposed!
Let me ask you a question, when you joined your MLM business, did you read your companies Policies and Procedures? 90% of distributors never read them before joining. The distributors believe the company has to protect itself and there is nothing in the policies and procedures that would hurt them. Unfortunately they could be very wrong and that’s the dirty little secret to which I’m referring.
The Dirty little secret
MLM policy and procedures are legal binding contracts. Which means if you do something that breaks the contract, the company can legally enforce the consequences.
Typically the company will choose to either take your check for a month, maybe two, or worse, terminate you. This happens and it happens more often than people realize!
Why should I care about the dirty little secret?
Who is building this organization? Do you want to put your blood, sweat and tears into building a large organization only to have it ripped out from under you?
This is something you must ask yourself before you start building. Do your homework and read your policy and procedures.
Unbeknownst to many, MLM has gone big time corporate. When you have policy and procedures 10, 20, 30+ pages long, you know lawyers are writing them. These lawyers are hired to protect the company, not you.
Many of these “corporate MLM’s” have no regard for the guy/gal in the field, we are totally dispensable.
I have personally spoken to distributors who have built large downlines, then had their check taken away for a month because someone in their downline, someone they didn’t even know, violated the policy and procedures.
I also know quite a few who have been terminated and they did nothing wrong! But, in their policy and procedure it stated that they could be terminated with 30 days written notice with or without cause, and the company enforced that rule.
Why? Plain and simple, the company needed money. In their policy and procedure it is written the distributor is not allowed to disparage the company, it’s products or employees otherwise they can be sued. Meaning, you’ll never hear a thing about it!
In many of these policy and procedures there is so much double and triple talk, you can’t do business without violating something in them.
Protect yourself
If the MLM companies have their lawyers writing the policy and procedures, the least you can do is read them.
I know its worse then reading Beowulf. Boring, dry, mind numbing, but that’s done on purpose. They don’t want you to read them.
My suggestion is to start at the back and read towards the front. The questionable stuff is usually in the back and middle because no one ever gets that far when starting from the front.
Look for words like ongoing, continuous. Do you want to retire or are you planning on working this forever? If your P & P has anything about ongoing training, ongoing support, regular, continued performance, etc. you’ll be doing this for the rest of your life if you want to keep you check. And when you pass away your kids will be doing it if they want to keep the money.
Another goody is 30 day termination, termination with or without cause, etc. Some even have a clause where if your family member violates anything in the policies and procedures, you can be terminated!
Some people will tell me, my company would never do that. My response is this, if they never intend to use it, then why is it in there in the first place? Is it helping you build your business?
Please, if nothing else do yourself a favor and read your policies and procedures. Educate yourself so you don’t experience the MLM dirty little secret first hand, it can be very ugly.
Suzanne Fulford is a successful network marketer and stay at home mother of two. Suzanne believes everyone with the desire to become successful in network marketing can do so with the proper skills, mentoring and support. It is her goal to help as many people as possible attain the proper skills and mentor them to success. Download her free eBook at http://www.TheMLMmom.com or visit http://www.NetworkMarketingHotspot.com for more free tips and training.
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6:56 PM
MLM Article
MLMs Greatest Product-I Know, I Know, but for REAL This Time
I HAVE A FRIEND who knew a guy who gave him a MIRACLE PRODUCT one day. "Best product in the world," the guy told him. My friend was skeptical. "Wait until you try it," the guy says.
Oh boy, was the guy right. The product was incredible! My friend felt things he's never felt before... or since. Colors looked brighter, smells were smellier, thoughts were clearer, much clearer. "This really is a miracle!" my friend said.
"Told you," was the reply.
A day passed, and the new feeling went with it. My friend went back to the guy for another free sample. And another. And another. Until one day, the guy's out of free samples.
"But I can get you a couple of ounces for about 40 bucks," the guy said.
My friend is shocked. The price is outrageous! "I had no idea it was that expensive," he said. "I don't have that kind of money."
"Tell you what I can do," the guy told him. "I got people. Rich people. They have truckloads of this stuff. We can sell it to people and help split the profits. They'll pay us like a commission. We can probably sell at least enough to cover the cost of OUR product. It'll be like we can get all we want for FREE!"
"But think of this; this product works for EVERYBODY. And I've NEVER met anybody who didn't like the stuff. All we gotta do is let them know it exists, and we'll be RICH! What do you think?"
"Sounds good," my friend said. "But there's just one thing. I'm not a salesman."
"Don't have to be," the guy replied. "You've tasted the stuff. It practically sells itself."
"You got a point there," my friend said. And they were in business.
My friend and his partner are drug dealers. Their product is crack.
Sounds a lot like MLM, doesn't it?
But it didn't at first because we're not selling crack. We're selling real product that helps people. OK, so it's a little expensive. But that's because it's so unique! Besides, you get what you pay for, right? You want the best...
Wait a minute. Still sounds like a drug deal.
That's because the principles are the same. Just give 'em a taste. (We call it a "free sample".) Let 'em get hooked on the stuff first. Then they gotta have it. After that, no price is too high to get that feeling.
What "feeling"? In MLM, the high is BIG MONEY. Just think of all you're gonna do with all that loot! Why, just the THOUGHT of it is...
See, you're hooked. You got a monkey on your back. But it's not your fault. The people who did it to you were smart. They were ruthless. They even got your FRIENDS to do it to you too... now you've got to do it to someone else, just to support your habit.
Now the good news. You can kick the habit and help others at the same time.
It's not that MLM is a bad thing. But it can be done badly. You just have to learn to DO IT RIGHT.
Kaleem Abdullah is a devout capitalist and MLM advocate.
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6:55 PM
MLM Article
MLM Training – The Best MLM Leads for Your Business
If you've ever purchased MLM leads or even generated leads for your business than you know that all leads are not created equal - some are absolutely great and others absolutely STINK.
Now before you think this is some pitch for some MLM lead company it's not, so listen up…
While I was building my MLM business there was always a certain group of people that seemed to ALWAYS respond better than anyone else.
Do you "wanna" know who these people were?
It's real simple - "Proven Buyers". That's right, people who have shown that they are willing to put their money where their mouth is and buy into an MLM business opportunity. (Not just people who filled out a form to get more information)
Here's something most network marketers don't know…
Your real target market for anything you promote whether its for your business opportunity or your products are people who have purchased the same product or a similar product in the past.
Who's more likely to buy, someone who filled out a form "to get more info about arthritis" or someone who has actually shelled out money on arthritis medicine in the past?
And it's the same for your business opportunity. When you target proven business opportunity buyers (other networkers) believe it or not but you deal with less tire kickers and looky loo's which you'll typically find with "opportunity seeker leads".
Listen to this, for the past 2 years I promoted an advanced MLM training course. When I first started out, I generated my own leads of networkers who were "interested in learning how to expand their business" do you know how many people I had to go through just to make 1 sale… too many.
So I tried a different approach. I targeted people who had already purchased an MLM training course in past and let me tell you, with the results I got, I became a believer.
As you can see it doesn't matter what you're promoting, this principle works. If you promote a weight loss product your target market should consist of people who purchased other weight loss products in the past (i.e. – SlimFast customers, TrimSpa customers, etc.)
So if you're promoting your MLM business opportunity than your target market should consist of people who've bought into an MLM business opportunity before (other networkers).
Because, they don't need to be sold on anything, they know how it works, how they're going to get paid and best of all they've shown that they WILL take action if something makes sense to them.
So stop wasting your time targeting the wrong MLM leads for your business (opportunity seekers – people who have only proven that they know how to fill out a form) and target the right leads to your business "proven business opportunity buyers" (other networkers - people who have already proven that they can and will spend money on a business opportunity).
This article has been written by Richard Knight. Richard teaches Network Marketers, and MLM Distributors how to attract more “qualified” prospects, add new reps and paying customers to their business without cold calling, buying leads or going to family and friends - Enroll in his FREE 7-day course today. . . http://www.WhoIsRichardKnight.com
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6:46 PM
MLM Article
Thursday, January 18, 2007
MLM-The Home Business Of The 21st Century
MLM as a home business has been around in one format or another for the past couple of decades. It used to be synonymous with an over excited relative or friend inviting you round for a coffee. You walk in and their house has now turned into a storeroom full of the most ‘amazing’ products on the market. You sit down; sip your coffee, while the person you have known for years begins an evangelical homage to this amazing ‘x’ product.
Gladly things have moved on but starting a business at home through MLM still offers a relatively cheap entry into a vast market. But is MLM the right model for your home business?
Lets start with looking at the attributes that describe a MLM company suited to today’s home business.
1. The product should be consumable i.e. once you have a customer they should love the product so much they will provide repeat orders. This is one of the most important aspects of company selection. No matter what anyone tells you, one of the hardest and most expensive aspects of any business is finding new customers. So once you have them you will want to sell to them over and over again.
2. The product must have mass-market appeal. What’s the point of finding a great MLM home business company that sells Christmas cards in Gaelic? Now there is nothing wrong with the Gaelic language (I am half Irish myself) but a product that customers only want once a year in a little used language is not going to get you in profit very quickly.
3. Physical or digital product? With the ever-increasing popularity of the Internet there are more and more MLM companies offering home business solutions with digital products. One of the biggest benefits here is you don’t have to turn your house into a mini warehouse. The other major benefit is these types of products tend to have a global demand and they are simple to deliver in a digital format. Make sure if you go the digital route that the product is high quality.
4. Support, support, support. No matter what business you choose you are going to be overwhelmed with information in your first couple of months. Look for a sponsor who not only has a good track record of business building but find out who their sponsors are. Check you will get access to them before committing to anything. It doesn’t matter how great a company is, if you don’t get good support from day one you are going to struggle to make a real impact.
5. Finally any good MLM home business needs a fantastic compensation plan. Whether your marketing online, offline or both you need to be able to manage your cash flow with a good compensation plan. I personally like plans that pay weekly bonuses plus monthly residual payments as I can reinvest my weekly payments into my marketing budget whilst building a solid monthly residual income.
So is MLM the ideal home business for you…
John O'Driscoll
'The Master Of The Short Cut'
P.S. Want to know the ONE business, The ONE little known product that has NOT only exploded my Income Online, but has allowed me to help many others do the same? Click here now to find out: http://mlm-successsite.com/su.html
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11:31 PM
MLM Article
MLM Lead Generation - Top 6 Reasons Why You Must Generate Your Own Leads
The MLM world has changed…and it’s going to change even more.
Here’s the good news. As the industry evolves, you as a network marketer, now have the opportunity to generate your own leads and grow your MLM business like never before. And there are some major reasons why you absolutely should if you want to give your business the best possibility of success.
Generate your own leads? That’s right; you really can. You’ll also be happy to find out just how easy it is. In fact, by picking up just a few simple skills, you can quickly begin generating leads like a professional and your business will reap the benefits.
I’ve listed the top 6 reasons why you absolutely must learn to generate your own leads:
1. You can get paid by your prospects even if they never join your business or buy a single MLM product or service. Yes it’s true. You can actually monetize your leads with generic business building information they can use to build any business they decide to join. This creates an extra income stream that covers your advertising costs and pays you whether your leads join your business, buy your MLM products or services, or not. A good lead generating system runs automatically for you and creates a retail income 24/7 that can then be used for, you guessed it, creating more leads and more income!
2. Your leads will be “fresh” and 100% exclusive. You can contact your leads immediately after they leave their contact information. You’ll never hear objections like “that wasn’t me”, or “I don’t remember filling out anything”. Since you generate each lead yourself, your leads will never be re-sold and you’ll never have to worry about anyone else contacting that lead about another business opportunity, unlike purchased leads.
3. You can follow-up with your leads and recruit them later if they’re not ready to join just yet. With purchased leads, once a prospect says “I’m not interested”, they’re usually discarded. A good lead generation system can keep a prospect in a pipeline of constant contact. The idea here is to send your prospect a continuous stream of generic business building content, NOT more information about your opportunity. By doing so, your prospect will not feel pursued and you will position yourself as a leader who knows how to build a business. As a result, when the time is right to get started, your prospect will turn to you.
4. You will become the “hunted” instead of the “hunter”. Once opportunity seekers realize that you know how to build a business and generate your own leads, many of them will be contacting you. Because you’ve separated yourself from all the “hunters” out there, you will literally be able to pick and choose who you want to recruit and work with in your business!
(The rest of this list and a recommended lead generation system can be found at http://mlmleadgalaxy.com)
The bottom line here is, you want to give your business every possible advantage. Learning to generate your own leads will pay dividends for the life of your business.
Remember, people are looking for a leader to follow. The vast majority of network marketers are not willing to take on that role and learn this simple skill set. If you do, prospects will seek you out and money will become a non-issue, recruiting will become a non-issue, and your business will enter a whole new realm of success because of it.
Article by: Joe Luna - This article comes with free reprint and free redistribution rights which mean you can use it for your ezines, websites, newsletters, etc. The only requirements are that all links must remain in place and the article cannot be modified in any way.
Opt-in to receive free MLM business building tips. Simply go to the following website: http://skyrocketmarketing.com
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11:30 PM
MLM Article
MLM vs. Affiliate Marketing- The Truth
"Not an MLM" is posted on affiliate web-sites as a badge of honor, as if it gives legitimacy to affiliate marketing programs. MLM, or Network Marketing, has been given a bad rap over the years, and let's face, often for good reason, but there are also MANY very good Network Marketing companies out there that, frankly, offer vastly superior opportunities for the average person than any affiliate program can.
Here is a head to head comparison of Network Marketing vs. Affiliate Marketing:
1. Infrastructure. Every good network marketing company has a head office, with many employees taking care of paychecks, product ordering and fulfillment, research and development, customer and distributor support, etc. The average affiliate program is administered by a yuppie in a bathrobe. Customer support? Tech Support? Go fish.
2. Product Line. Network Marketing companies usually have high quality products developed by expensive scientists and formulators. They often have third party laboratories or Universities test their products before they send them to market. Affiliate programs are often just hyped up info products created by a self proclaimed "Guru", and they are successful because a very good copy writer creates a compelling sales page that gets sales. These programs come and go, and the "Hot Program" of last month is replaced by this week's sensational, "get rich quick" info product.
3. Assurance of payment. Network Marketing companies pay regularly, have great computer systems and accounting departments, and checks are accurate and timely. The average affiliate marketer has an online shopping cart system that occasionally writes them an e-mail that says something like, "Time To Pay Affiliate Commissions". And I can tell you from personal experience that these checks often just don't get written. Even if the marketer is using a reliable payment resource like Clickbank, affiliate commissions are still in jeopardy because affiliate links aren't stable. For example, if somebody bookmarks your affiliate link and returns later to buy, but has deleted their cookies in the meantime, they don't go to YOUR site, they go to the PARENT site and you lose the commission. I was an affiliate for a very respectable, large company in the autoresponder business. Two friends of mine wanted to get autoresponder systems, so I sent my affiliate link and both joined the service within hours of getting the link. Yet when I logged in to check my back office, neither person showed. To their credit the company believed me and paid me the commissions, but it made me wonder how many times that had happened, as I had marketed their system online for several months. I'm sure I sent them a lot of business I never got paid for.
4. Training. In Network Marketing your sponsor is motivated to GIVE YOU all their best stuff. The better educated you are, the more money they make. In Affiliate Marketing, the whole game is to SELL you the information you need to succeed. If you join a good Network Marketing company that is web savvy, you will get free training that any web marketer would charge you thousands of dollars for.
I have spent thousands of hours and tens of thousands of dollars marketing affiliate programs and my Network Marketing business, and the bottom line is this: the e-mail that says, "Congratulations, a new distributor has joined your business" is much more satisfying than the notification letting you know you sold an e-book or online program. In the battle between Network Marketing and Affiliate Marketing, there is no comparison. Affiliate marketing is, for most people, a flimsy business with a revolving door of "hot programs" that come and go on a monthly basis. On the other hand, Network Marketing offers growing residual leveraged income, marketing consumable products to a growing network of distributors and retail customers. For the average person that wants to create their own business from home, it's still the easiest, least expensive and most rewarding way to go.
Copyright (c) 2007 Dave Sherwin
Dave Sherwin is a master network marketer that has discovered how to build a massive global organization using little more than his computer internet connection. To learn more see: http://escapethematrix.net/x2o
Posted by
11:27 PM
MLM Article
Free MLM Leads! Sounds Tempting, But Are They Really The Smartest Choice For Your Business?
Sshhh… You’re about to discover some of the best kept secrets in MLM!
Despite what you may have heard, whether you’re just getting started in MLM or you’re a seasoned veteran, leads are the lifeblood of your business. Trouble is, buying leads through a lead vendor can cost you an arm and a leg; often $1 to $10 per lead or more. As a matter of fact, throwing away money on over-priced leads is one of the fastest ways for a network marketer to put themselves out of business, especially an amateur.
However, there are also websites constantly bombarding us with headlines like “Free MLM Leads!” all over the internet. And yet as tempting as that may sound, don’t get sucked in and be so quick to jump on the “Free MLM Leads” bandwagon.
The Reason I say that is because, there are a few well-kept, even shocking, secrets you should know about generating your own leads.
First of all, with your own lead generation system, you can actually get your leads to pay you whether they join your business or not! Yes it’s true, you can monetize the 90%-95% of prospects who tell you “no” by retailing a generic report or course to help them build any business they decide to join. Just think how that’s going to feel?
Perhaps even more important than that, the leads you generate will be “fresh”, high quality, and exclusive to you. Leads don’t get any hotter than that.
Most important of all, prospects will be beating down your door when you tell them that you know how to generate leads for your downline and that you received their contact information through a lead generation system that’s exclusive to your team.
My point is this, creating your own lead generation system will require learning some new skills, but your payoff will be incredible. Personally, I don’t like to reinvent the wheel, so I chose a proven system that was already in place that I could simply plug into. The system I use and recommend to other leaders can be found at http://betterthanfreemlmleads.com
There’s no doubt about it, when you step out of the box and choose to create your own lead generation system or plug into one that’s already up and running, you make a smart decision. By investing just a little time and effort into your own lead generation system, you can literally churn out endless high quality leads for you and your business all day long.
Article by: Joe Luna - This article comes with free reprint and free redistribution rights which means you can use it for your ezines, websites, newsletters, etc. The only requirements are that all links must remain in place and the article cannot be modified in any way.
Opt-in to receive free MLM business building tips. Simply go to the following website: http://skyrocketmarketing.com
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11:25 PM
MLM Article
MLM Training - 3 Surefire Ways to Have Prospects Calling You First
If you're tired of cold calling and buying leads then you need pay very close attention to this article.
From my experience, you'll build your MLM business 10X faster and 100X easier when you have interested prospects calling you first for more information.
Unfortunately most of us are taught that we have to HUNT our prospects down. And if you ever had the pleasure of cold calling and buying leads you know how most prospects respond to being chased down like zebra on the discovery channel – usually with a big fat "NO","Don't call me again", "Take me off your list", or all of the above.
So here are 3 surefire ways to have prospects calling you first and hunting you down for a change.
1. Promote yourself first – This may sound odd, especially if this is the first time you're exposed to this information. But you NEED to promote yourself first before your MLM Business.
Why? – Well first off, there are a gazillion people out there promoting the same opportunity you are, how are you gonna separate yourself from the rest of the MLM crowd?
So when you promote yourself, let your prospect know you're a real person who "genuinely" wants to help them. It doesn't matter if you've had a ton of success or not, most people are looking for someone who will help them get to where they want to go and support them along the way.
Also let your prospects know what can YOU offer them. Do you have any skills that they could use to build their business? Are you good with Adwords, do you know how to prospect, how about getting people to try your product? Whatever skills you can teach them let your prospect know, no matter how small it may seem.
2. Give them the facts – Tell them about your business without the "hype". The more you try to "hype" people into your MLM business the more "quality" people you're going to lose.
Think about it? – If you ran an ad saying "Make $10,000 a month, automated system does work for you", you'll find that the only people you're going to attract are lazy, indecisive tire kickers looking to get something for nothing (ex. Those looking to make10K without doing any work).
So the more "straight up" you are with your prospects, the more quality people you'll attract. People who actually understand that there are costs involved, and work that needs to be done in order to reach their financial goals. Plus the more straight forward you are, the more your prospects will trust you, and respect you for not trying to insult their intelligence and simply giving them the FACTS they were looking for.
3. Offer an incentive – In marketing, you can't leave anything to chance. You have to tell your prospect what to do and entice them to do it. Let them see the benefit of picking up the phone and calling you by offering them an incentive.
This incentive can be ANYTHING, it can be special report you mail to them, it can be an ebook that they can download if they simply pick up the phone and call you. It can even be a chance to talk to you so they can find out how you made $2,000 last month working 5 hours a week.
Whatever the incentive is, just make sure it's something that will help them on their "business quest". Don't offer them an ebook on how to make a killing on ebay, when you want them to contact you about your business. Offer them something like a free report on "10 things you need to know before you choose a home business", that'll get a way better response.
The best part is, all of these steps can be accomplished on a simple website. Most network marketers use websites to promote their MLM business just like everyone else and wonder why they're struggling, but now you know how to use a simple website to have prospects calling you first.
So if you're tired of cold calling and buying leads just follow these 3 steps and you'll instantly attract more prospects to your MLM business and have them actually hunt YOU down for a change instead of the other way around.
This article has been written by Richard Knight. Richard teaches Network Marketers, and MLM Distributors how to attract more “qualified” prospects, add new reps and paying customers to their business without cold calling, buying leads or going to family and friends - Enroll in his FREE 7-day course today. . . http://www.WhoIsRichardKnight.com
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11:24 PM
MLM Article
MLM Lead Generation Secrets Exposed
I hope that anyone that reads this really takes in what I'm about to say. That is MLM lead generation is a fantastic way to grow your network marketing business. If you generate your own leads, you are setting yourself above the masses who insist on buying poor quality leads from MLM lead generation companies for outrageous cost!
By learning how to generate your own exclusive, fresh leads you are giving yourself a huge advantage. It's sort of like the old saying goes - 'give a man a fish and he'll feed himself for a day, but teach a man HOW to fish and he'll feed himself for a lifetime'. It's about becoming self sufficient in network marketing and becoming the hunted, instead of the hunter. MLM lead generation strategies are out there, if you want to use them, and I suggest you do.
The dirty, stinking truth is that when the MLM lead generation companies sell you leads, they are usually poor quality. They are distributed to numerous people. And quite often, the people that are leads are opted in through some sneaky method - meaning that when you go to call them - they are uninterested and often very angry for you nagging them! If you use your own MLM lead generation strategies you won't have this problem!
So what are some effective MLM lead generation strategies online and offline?
Well firstly, before I discuss some MLM lead generation strategies - it's important to remember this: It's not so much what you do, rather whether you do it consistently or not. You see - if you went out, printed some good looking flyers off, and posted them around your neighbourhood - it may take days or even weeks before you start getting calls... (people are lazy). So you get discouraged and give up. But you gave up too soon! You noticed that a few calls trickled in, but didn't see the big picture... if you'd kept going out, and repetitively posted flyers - the responses would keep coming. So with any MLM lead generation method I mention below, do it consistently for months on end, and I promise you, that you won't want to stop after that, because you'll be getting great response rates!
So, two of my favourite offline and online MLM lead generation strategies:
Have some basic one page flyers printed up. Nothing too flashy. Just needs to be black and white. You should put a big bold headline on it, that is benefit driven - something like "make $2000 per week from home in your underwear" or similar. Draw those people in! Then go on to state a few criteria such as hardworking, willing to learn etc. etc. Then ask them to call you for more information. It's important to note, for this MLM lead generation technique - that it is very important that you don't litter! It's one thing to post flyers up around your town, but be respectful as well, ok? So post these flyers on message boards at the grocery store, in day care centers (single mums would love it), you get the idea! Remember what Einstein said - "imagination is more important than knowledge".
And for my online MLM lead generation technique, I'm going to have to say that Google Adwords is my favourite. This one costs a little bit of money to get going, and there is a learning curve attached to it, but by goly! When you get Adwords working correctly for you - you can generate live fresh leads all day long. I would take some time to learn it though, invest in a course or two in adwords so that you don't waste money.
So there you have it - those are two of my favourite MLM lead generation techniques. Believe me, I have generated literally hundreds of live, exclusive leads by these two methods alone. Use them faithfully and have more leads than you can handle!
If you would like to learn more about MLM lead generation and how to attract people to you in MLM, and become a sponsoring magnet - I would highly recommend you check out my review on a book called 'Magnetic Sponsoring' by going here: http://magneticsponsoring.thinkthrive.com
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11:05 PM
MLM Article
MLM Starting Out Tips - What Can You Get from Multi Level Marketing
Most people scoff at the idea of joining a multi level marketing company merely because they assume that all MLM companies are fraudulent firms that are out to get your money and nothing else. While it’s certainly undeniable that there are indeed several unlawful multi level marketing companies out there, it’s equally true that there are also good and legitimate MLM companies existing as well. All you have to do is choose the right one for you.
What is Multi Level Marketing?
There are two ways for you to earn profit from multi level marketing. Firstly, you can sell products. These products are either exclusively sold by the multi level marketing company or sold cheaper than anywhere else. Obviously, those are the advantages you’ll enjoy when you become a part of the multi level marketing company.
The second and more controversial way for you to earn money from multi level marketing is to recruit other people to act as distributors or sellers as well just like yourself. When you’re able to recruit someone, you receive a commission fee of sorts for doing so.
The people you’re recruiting will then become your down line. Every time they recruit other people, they become part of your down line and you earn a small amount of money from them as well. When these people sell products, you’ll earn money from them once more.
What Scares People about Multi Level Marketing
There’s a fine line that separates legitimate multi level marketing companies from illegitimate ones. One very visible difference, however, is the way they earn profit. If the main objective of the multi level marketing company seems to be recruiting people alone, that’s not a good sign at all.
If all it does is recruit people, then sooner or later, the market will become saturated and after that, nothing. The bad part about it is when that happens and you haven’t been able to recoup your investment yet.
What Attracts People to Multi Level Marketing
Of course, multi level marketing does have its share of advantages as well. If you’re lucky enough to work for a legitimate MLM firm, you can enjoy numerous advantages:
Tax Advantages – Since having a multi level marketing career is not like a regular 9 to 6 job, you’ll allowed to enjoy certain tax advantages that aren’t awarded to regular employees.
Flexible Time – You can work when you want to and as long as you wish only. Multi level marketing companies won’t fire you if you don’t feel like recruiting people or selling products for months. In this type of business, you’re definitely your own boss.
Having flexible hours at work is especially helpful to parents who lack enough time for their children as it is and for students who are also working part-time after school.
Minimal Investment – Yes, it’s true: not all multi level marketing companies will ask you to pay a hefty amount of money as your investment. Some companies will only require you to pay a small amount of money and even allow you to sell products on a consignment basis. In the end, your biggest investment will be your time and effort!
It’s very easy to get started on a multi level marketing career; what’s difficult is staying on it long enough to make money. The best strategy for this type of career is to be responsible and patient. If you are both of those, sooner or later, money will surely start pouring in.
Discover how to earn a whopping $4,567,09 per month in your spare time even if nobody joins your MLM business. Forget cold calling From The "King Of Never Calling A single Lead!" ==> http://www.easymlmprofits.com
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11:03 PM
MLM Article
An Introduction to Affiliate Marketing MLM Network
No matter your knowledge of Internet you may have, there is a possibility that you have not familiarized yourself with one of the more popular type of MLM Network, the Affiliate Marketing network. Even with all of the different affiliate programs that are available, many people don’t have any idea how they work, or even what they involve. Though not a new concept it has only recently begun to regain in popularity, and most assuredly as part of the multi-level marketing concept of business ownership.
Affiliate marketing programs are in existence all over the Internet, but unless you choose established affiliate companies, you are not going to make enough money to replace your day job. Since all affiliate marketing programs are different, the key is to affiliate with those that will offer you the highest rate of return on sales(ROS) and/or have the widest variety of products from which a customer can choose. Of course, you will need to have your own website, as most of the affiliate programs do not offer that as part of the program. What the affiliate does is add the affiliate codes to his or her website, and when someone goes to the affiliate’s website, clicks on the banner to the product website and purchases, the affiliates receives a “commission.” Sometimes it is a percentage but most of the more popular ones are a flat rate per mineralized sale.Some affiliate will also give out free banners codes to help you post on your website as part of their promotion.
Promotion is not included as part of the affiliate membership, so if you want to make money from your affiliate programs, you will need to promote your website. It is advisable to have a website specifically dealing with your affiliate marketing because otherwise visitors to your site may get interested in other information on your site and never get around to looking at your affiliate links. The Internet is full of free hosting programs such as Tripod, Angel Fire, and others; your own Internet provider may offer a certain amount of web space for your use.
If you choose to make use of a website you already have, it is highly advisable to place your affiliate programs on the front page with no other information to detract from it. This way you will at least be assured that everyone sees that page first, and be certain that your Meta tags point to the affiliate programs so that when someone is looking for certain products, your website will come up in a search. Another thing you may want to think of is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in order to make sure your website ranks high with the search engines, thereby guaranteeing a steady stream of traffic to your site. There are a few free programs that only require you to place their banner on your website, but if you plan to make this a business, you want to invest in someone who will provide you with the most for your money. Making the programs depends on your marketing tactics, so the better your marketing tactics, the more money you will make.
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11:01 PM
MLM Article
MLM Training - How to Keep Prospects From Feeling "Baited and Switched"
Before a prospect will "reach out" for more information about your MLM business or products, you must absolutely create just the right amount of curiosity. Do it wrong, and they'll feel "baited and switched" or mislead. Continue reading to learn what I do to keep prospects curious and reaching for more.
One of the best things about giving people gifts is building their curiosity about the gift. Think about Christmas time as a kid: you know the size of the box but you don't know what's in it.
When the right amount of mystery is created, curiosity develops and soon you will find yourself waking up at some ridiculous hour so you can find out what's in that box.
It's this same curiosity that plays an important role when you're inviting a prospect to learn more about your MLM business. Curiosity is what you want to create with your prospect.
Curiosity is defined as: desire to know something: eagerness to know about something or to get information. So for you to be curious about what is in that box, you must have this urge or pull to open it; you must know what's inside of it.
Now let's transfer this to business. When a person tells you how fed up he is with his boss and you ask, "What are you going to do about it?" and that person responds, "I don't know," your reply back should be, "I may have a solution."
You've just created a moment of curiosity. If your prospect isn't curious when he gets off the phone with you, you have nothing.
On the contrary, if you call your friend and ask, "What are you doing Friday night?" and he says, "Nothing," good, the curiosity is there. But if you say something like, "Great I want to meet you and talk to you." and then when you meet up you discuss your business, you have changed his perception from curiosity to feeling tricked. Don't do that. It makes prospects feel baited and switched rather than curious.
Let me explain the difference between the two: it's the difference of being a consultant versus a salesperson. When you're a consultant, you help solve a problem; you do this by asking your prospect the right questions (this is covered fully in Professional Inviter) to fully identify what problem he needs solved-before offering the right solution.
A salesperson knocks on your door and says, "Would you like to buy a garden hose?" A consultant sees you in your front yard with a leaky garden hose and says, "You've got a lot of holes in your garden hose. I can help you with that." The difference is helping someone versus getting the door slammed in your face.
The objective is to create just the right amount of curiosity. I've found that if I tell all, at some point my MLM business is no longer interesting to the prospect. If I tell not quite enough, then there is no interest. But if I give enough information that's just "in between" and enough curiosity is created, then that prospect will want to know more.
And that's what you want to shoot for - just the right amount of curiosity to create enough interest that your prospect will reach for more information about your MLM business or products.
Tim Sales helps network marketers gain the confidence and skills to be an M.L.M success. Learn how to become a true network marketing professional and sign up for his free M.L.M training newsletter and listen to free training at http://www.brilliantexchange.com
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11:00 PM
MLM Article
Don't follow the MLM "Herd" mentality!
I did it all! I did everything my upline told me to do. I had prospects on conference calls, 3 ways, and websites. I asked for referrals, called people I didn’t even know, I did it all.
You might even say it worked out decent. Had my first 4 front line partners in my first month. And what happened next? NOTHING. Not an ounce of duplication. Because people are not duplicatable, only systems are duplicatable, and if no one was willing to put in the work I did then nothing was going to happen.
This went on….for months. Pounding my head against the pavement, thinking “I know there is a better way.”
It’s at this point I decided to deviate from the “herd” mentality. I had always been told “this is how the professionals build the business, stick to it”, but thank god I didn’t.
I decided I would venture off into completely uncharted territory. Bread crumb by bread crumb I was led to the internet. And little by little as my eyes opened to the infinite networking power the internet had….I knew this little machine held the secrets to the success I was looking for.
The point being….I thought for myself. I trusted my instincts and sought better ways to do things then the same ole stuff that has been taught in network marketing for 50 years. I wonder if it’s a coincidence 95% of all network marketers fail?
I grew my organization into 5 different countries and across several US states in less then 3 months from the moment I went “live” on the internet.
Personally, I wouldn’t even hypothesize doing network marketing if I had to go back to what it was like before I broke away from the herd. Today, I enjoy only talking to people when they are interested in exactly what I have to offer. No cold calls, no skeptical un interested people….just people who stuck their hand up and said “I want more information”.
Who knows what you might find if you break outside the herd mentality? But I know what 95% of the people don’t find by staying in it.
To get the real tips, strategies, and pain saving lessons on how to do network marketing the right way visit: http://www.JonathanBudd.com
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10:54 PM
MLM Article
Saturday, January 13, 2007
MLM Success Online: It's A Numbers Game
There are two main things you have to learn when operating an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) online business in order to be successful. One is how to generate leads and the other is how to qualify leads. Master these two skills and everything else will follow for you.
One of the first things you must understand about the internet business is that it is primarily about the numbers – specifically, the number of people who you can get to visit your site. I liken it to filling a big funnel – a large opening on top where we try to fit in as many site visits as possible and eventually a much smaller amount of qualified interested customers or business partners will flush out of the small opening at the bottom.
If you stop to think about it, why do you think sites such as the two big search engine sites we all know about are so successful? It’s because they have millions, if not billions of people that visit their sites regularly. With that sort of audience, it simply is not difficult to sell, no matter what products or services they are offering.
You probably cannot and should not aspire to get the level of traffic that the internet behemoths get, but you can certainly do quite well for yourself nevertheless. I say should not because to think that you should be able to rival the traffic statistics of those sites would be an unrealistic expectation to put upon yourself.
If you can get even just five thousand people to visit your site each month, you can consider your site marketing efforts a success. In fact, if you can get that many people into your site on a regular basis, you will probably earn as much money from affiliate programs as you do a network marketing program.
Here are two things you can do to get started with marketing your MLM online business:
First, you must learn how to generate leads. You need to have a web site and learn the strategies to get people in there. You can provide related content, swap links with merchant partners or friends, submit your site to search engines, publish an e-zine or a newsletter and overall just simply begin to build a subscriber list, which will be your future customer base. You can also try paying other people to advertise your site or paying leads companies for some of their subscriber lists, thereby leveraging your time.
Second, you must qualify your leads. Try to spend time with only those customers or business opportunity seekers who are likely to be of help to you and your business. You will find that a lot of the leads you generate will end up being so called “tire kickers”. You want an efficient method of screening these people out so as to not waste your time on them.
If you are promoting an MLM online business, this should be less of a problem, as long as you have created a site that it related to your online MLM venture. If you have succeeded in creating a site that is interesting, it will almost follow that the people who visit it will be interested in what you have to say about your business opportunity.
Internet statistics show that only around 2-4% of people who visit a site will click on a link that will make money for the website’s owner. That already-small number shrinks further to 1% when it comes to those who will actually buy a product. This means that the more people you can entice to visit your site, the more money you will make.
Obviously, what you want to accomplish with your site is to reach as many people as you can, letting them know about the specific business opportunity that is available through you. The more people you can inform about your MLM opportunity, the higher the chances of you gaining new business partners or selling products.
Tom Childs holds an MBA from the University at Buffalo and is involved with several highly successful network marketing businesses. View Tom's Blog Here:
Tom uses this FREE franchise system to generate unlimited leads for his businesses:
Are You Looking for a legitimate Internet Business to Get Started With? Tom Recommends This One:
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2:44 PM
MLM Article
Three Make Money Online Scams: Data Entry, Paid Surveys, and MLM
Data Entry
One of the most popular scams currently being promoted is not a scam as far as the actual technique is concerned, but from the angle of the language used to market the technique, namely "data entry".
In real and practical terms, what a person is doing is one step of the affiliate marketing process whereby ads are written promoting someone else's product in return for a commission for every sale referred.
However, the whole process is marketed as "getting rich by doing simple data entry". There are literally scores of products of this nature currently being promoted. Recently, both Clickbank and Google have kicked out product owners or promoters of "data entry" related schemes.
Its very important to note that the actual technique itself is certainly not a scam. It is very legitimate and it earns thousands of people, thousands of dollars per month. However, the reason it is a scam is due to the deceptive marketing surrounding it. In addition, when you buy one of these programs and log in to the customer area, you are strongly encouraged to promote the very same program you have purchased using the same so called "data entry" technique.
What the owners of such programs want to do is maximise the money they make by leveraging your time and your advertising budget to their benefit. Years ago, you probably would have been extremely successful, but now, due to the fact that so many people are doing it, it is harder to make money just by blindly following this process without any underlying marketing knowledge.
If the owners of such programs actually gave their customers an education and taught them proper marketing skills instead of just showing them this affiliate marketing technique they deceptively call "data entry", there would have been something of value offered to the customer.
Paid Surveys
Another very heavily promoted scam is "paid surveys". You must have come across claims such as "Earn $100 per hour filling out simple surveys". How this scam works is that people are asked to pay a fee ranging from $35 to $50 dollars in order to gain access to a list of companies that offer paid surveys. The surveying companies themselves do not charge people for taking surveys, rather they pay participants who complete their surveys subject to certain requirements such as age, demographics, gender etc.
Many, if not most, paid survey offers do not deliver the rewards they promise. There are a number of ways that paid surveys mislead or inconvenience participants. Many of them compile personal information about participants to sell to marketers. Others require people to pay to access a database of survey opportunities that the participants could find on their own for free.
Survey databases can cost participants money. Many databases let people have access to lists of paid survey opportunities for a subscription fee. Once people have paid the fee, they discover that many of the surveys listed do not pay, and that nearly all of the listings are available elsewhere for free. Many of these offers seem legitimate because they feature phony testimonials from satisfied users.
A few people might be fortunate enough to earn some regular money, but it will never amount to much, no more than a few hundred dollars per month at best!
Multi Level Marketing
As has been noted by Quatloos.com, "once upon a time, multi-level marketing was a legitimate business which provided a way for small companies to get their unique products to consumers in small towns and rural areas which had no access to these products. At this time, the products sold themselves, and the multi-level aspect was a way of giving a small reward to those who had worked hard to build the organization. But the focus was always on the product.
Today, and especially with the growth of the internet, it is possible for consumer to get about whatever they want at competitive prices. There is simply no real need for distribution "systems" as there once was, and indeed the focus of all the programs is not on the products they sell -- which are usually either bogus or are available somewhere else to the public at the same or lesser prices. Instead, the focus now is solely on recruiting new people to either buy into the program or else to buy products that are grossly overpriced (i.e., a $1 bottle of "herbal shampoo" for $26), with the idea that those people will recruit additional people who will also buy into the program or themselves buy the grossly overpriced products.
Thus, today just about ALL of the multi-level marketing programs are scams. In today's internet economy, there is simply no need for multi-level marketing or the overpriced products that they sell -- meaning that the only thing they are selling are memberships in anticipation that future memberships will be sold in the future, which is the classic definition of a pyramid scheme, and thus securities fraud.
Because products are available over the internet to everybody at lower costs than ever before, claims that "Multi-Level Marketing will take over the World!" are completely bogus. Indeed, the fact that no MLM schemes sell significant product to anybody other than the people who bought into the programs is proof positive that MLM is a dinosaur in today's economy, and exists only by defrauding people to buy memberships in anticipation of being able to make a profit defrauding other people into the program."
Michael Andrews is an online marketer who makes a full time living online. He is the creator of the Profit Lance course (http://www.profitlance.com) which teaches real long term and practical skills to make money online.
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2:42 PM
MLM Article
MLM Success - Looking In All The Wrong Places
You want to be successful in your network marketing (MLM) business. What will be the critical component in accomplishing this? The typical answers are:
-The quality of your company’s products
-The strength of your upline
-An excellent compensation plan
-The strength of your downline
-Your marketing strategy
Each one can be a significant factor. However, you must never forget that it is your business, which reveals the most critical component - YOU!
No company or product can make you successful; no sophisticated marketing or affiliate program can either. None of these can make you into a success; you must make yourself.
Napolean Hill interviewed scores of successful and famous people almost 100 years ago. In Think and Grow Rich, Hill observed that at the core of these people’s achievements was a definite and dominating desire to reach their dreams and goals. Their genius was not found in their intelligence, but in their commitment and desire.
Many, if not most in MLM are hoping that some company, program or strategy will rescue them from mediocrity. Searching for solutions outside of yourself is looking in the wrong place. Solutions in success are always found inside.
The development of YOU is your most important program and business. The following are ways to accomplish this:
-Create an image of who you want to be; make it your dominating desire
-Develop an educational program toward it
-Find a mentor to guide you toward it
You will only be as successful as your knowledge and character allow. You can’t hide behind any quick fixes or “hot” programs. Your business will go only as far as you do.
Make yourself into the network marketing leader that you would want to follow yourself. It’ll mean long and hard work. The results? Your most critical resource and your best tool will be YOU!
Philip Bourdon developed his love for writing and communication during almost 20 years serving as a Pastor. His desire is to equip network marketers in reaching their dreams. He lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Business URL: http://www.DownlineMarketingSuccess.com
Personal URL: http://www.PhilipBourdon.com
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2:40 PM
MLM Article
MLM Network Marketing - It's The Marketing, Stupid
You know the routine; write down 100 names. Include everyone you know; from Uncle Bob to Dr. Cranium. Then, tell them about the amazing new “Vita-Juice” and the fantastic business opportunity that they need to join NOW! Be sure to crank out the calls and not leave anyone out.
A few weeks later, if anyone is still talking to you, you realize that MLM is a lot tougher than your sponsor led you to believe. That’s because you have focused all your energy in contacting your network (your “warm market”) and have tried to sell them on your business opportunity. You have done almost nothing to market them.
People don’t like to be sold; but they like to buy. When you try to sell your friends on the business opportunity, you encounter a natural resistance that we all have to being sold. It’s marketing that gets around that psychological barrier and taps into the desire to buy.
Marketing is preparing people to buy. It’s presenting all sorts of intriguing information to someone about a product. Then it attracts them to take a stroll down “Marketing Lane” , where they end up at a cliff called “SOLD”. If marketed effectively, they willingly jump off that cliff and later heartedly encourage their friends to do the same!
Traditional MLM has put the order of actions backwards and almost entirely ignores the more important one; marketing. You are taught to focus on your network and then sell them on the opportunity; great company, great products and what a compensation plan! You are taught to chase and pitch them; but not to market them. Instead of working on your network and trying to market (sell) them, you need to focus on marketing so that you can find a qualified network.
For the most part, the overwhelming majority of your “warm market” is no more qualified to start an MLM business than is any guy on the street. That’s why your sponsor will stress, “It’s a numbers game.” It sure is and it’s a lot of numbers!
If it isn’t obvious, the most qualified group for network marketing is network marketers. There are plenty of them out there that are open for a new opportunity. If you want to discover a simple and effective way to attract (market) them, read my article; Internet Network Marketing - You Only Get What You Give.
Philip Bourdon developed his love for writing and communication while serving as a Pastor for almost 20 years. His desire is to equip network marketers to reach their dreams. he lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Business URL: http://www.DownlineMarketingSuccess.com
Personal URL: http://www.PhilipBourdon.com
Posted by
2:39 PM
MLM Article
MLM - Develop A Team Of Qualified Prospects
Dad owned a roofing and siding company. I used to think that he practiced the ultimate in hard-core selling; knocking on doors trying to sell his products. Then I realized that those in MLM attempt a much more difficult sell. At least my Dad knocked on the doors of qualified prospects; people who had old, worn down roofing and siding (a lot of which I tore off in my younger days).
Network marketers call on their warm market of friends, acquaintances and friends of friends. In what way is anyone’s warm market qualified or even remotely interested in starting a new business where they will have to call their friends and acquaintances too? They are no more likely than any guy on the street. We’d have far better odds at a roulette table! If we’re going to attempt marketing, we should target qualified prospects.
An MLM friend of mine reminded me that if we want to start a baseball team, we don’t ask plumbers for a try-out. Who is the most qualified group of people to market our MLM? Of course, it’s folks who are already doing MLM or have done it. Don’t worry; there are plenty in MLM open to a new opportunity. Whether it’s IBM, Toyota or Super-Duper Vitamins MLM, there’s always someone open and looking to change his situation.
Network marketers have pitched countless numbers of people, trying to overcome their objections. They have heard and said it all. Even if they are not happy with their company, most will psychologically resist our efforts (if we pitch our business opportunity), since seriously listening to us means that they must admit their own failings. I’ve heard some say that when we “lead” with our company, we give them the objection!
Why not circle right around the resistance that they are poised to bring and not say a single word about our own MLM (Was that rumbling thunder I just heard the collective groan from my upline)? We need to develop trust and credibility with other marketers long before we begin to discuss our own company.
Now we know the target. Let’s keep our current MLM to ourselves and work on developing respect, credibility and trust. This is done by giving away what they need. For details, see my article: Internet Network Marketing - You Only get What You Give.
Philip Bourdon developed his love for writing and communication while serving as a Pastor for almost 20 years. His desire is to equip network marketers in reaching their dreams. He lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
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2:37 PM
MLM Article
The Truth about MLM Recruiting & Sponsoring
MLM or Multi level Marketing is a potent weapon and can help any business to grow by leaps and bounds. The secret lies in MLM recruiting and sponsoring. Today the internet has laid down opportunities for anyone to start a business and earn a profit.
Of course it can be done with a little help from the understanding of MLM. Every business needs a strong marketing strategy so why should your business be any different. The difference between success and failure lies in the effectiveness of the internet marketing strategy.
Those of you who have heard about MLM recruiting & sponsoring may only be aware of the tip of the iceberg. There is more to it that what businesses have actually applied. Some of the factors that actually affect MLM recruitment in a positive way are communication, consistency and even seasonal recruitment.
Successful MLM recruiters need to be brilliant in communication. Infact communication is an integral aspect of any business – offline or online. MLM recruiting uses effective communication to connect to people who can be prospective customers or sales people.
The other truth about MLM recruiting is consistency. Consistency translates into success but for that you have to take one process at a time and define your strategy and goals. Then figure out the various MLM processes that can be employed to generate revenue.
One very important fact is that most of the MLM systems don’t focus on selling a service or a product. Infact these MLM systems targeted for creative down-lines because bigger down-lines translates to higher growth and more profits.
The downslide in any online business is that after a period of time, your contacts and leads will be exhausted and then like most people you will be forced to ask your prospects to become paid members. Now that would be the end of the business in a way.
But there is hope and you can beat that through MLM sponsoring or sponsoring franchisee systems. This system has existed even before the Internet became a revolution.
The MLM sponsoring is actually a business model where in successful companies share a small business MLM model with other companies so that everyone can reap the benefit. In a way this model will help you generate a targeted MLM prospect and only the conversion will depend on you.
Azlan Kasim leads and coaches a team of online entrepreneurs
He dedicates a hour each morning to strategise and plan his business and a hour at night for self-evaluation and criticism. His motto is simply this "If I am what I was yesterday, then today is lost".
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2:35 PM
MLM Article
Having The Right Attitude For MLM Success
The choice of a right attitude will significantly determine all future circumstances. Choosing to have the right attitude will change the world around you.
Ultimately, it is our choice of what kind of attitude we have. Nobody else can force you to have a bad attitude. Nobody else can force you to have a good attitude. It is simply a choice you make.
So what kinds of attitudes make a difference? Here are five attitudes that will help make your MLM business soar!
1. "I can." This is the most basic of all attitudes. We simply must choose to believe that we can, and will succeed with our MLM business. In our house we are not allowed to say, "I can't." We can say, "I'll try," or "I tried and failed," but not "I can't." Telling yourself that you can't, will in effect make it so you can't. But telling yourself that you can, will in effect enable you to achieve much more.
I actually have a standard way of getting myself off of the starting block: I simply say if somebody else has, then I can too. And if many others have, then surely I can too! I have to be smarter than at least one of those who has already done it. I have to be able to work harder than at least one other. There has to be at least one other person who has come from more difficult circumstances than me. And if they can do it then certainly, "I can!"
2. "I will be generous." Another attitude that will make your MLM business soar is to be a generous person. The attitude (and discipline) of generosity increases your likelihood of success for two main reasons: One, you are happier about yourself and that puts you in a state of mind that is prepared for successful living. Two, people pay back people who are generous. Generous people receive in kind, and being generous will raise you to levels yet unseen.
3. "I will make a difference in the lives of those around me." People who soar in MLM businesses are generally people who have the attitude of helping other people. Yes, they may do it for monetary gain, but they are people-focused. They want to change the way people live and make life better for them. They are difference makers all around.
4. "I am not easily angered." Whether or not we get angry is a choice of attitude. We determine whether or not we will be angry. I have found that often I will meet with someone who is struggling with their MLM business and in many cases I find that they are angry people. They have held onto an attitude that is angry at its root. When we take on an attitude that raises the bar on what makes us angry, we are positioning ourselves to be in a state of mind that is better able to live and work in such a way as to achieve success.
5. "I will look for the good in every situation." This is basic optimism. Successful people who soar through life are those who are optimistic. They see the good, think the best and strive for greatness, believing all the while that they will achieve it because it is possible!
Where are you with your attitude? Do you have a good one? Why not sit down and give it some serious thought? Then, no matter where you find yourself, decide to take your attitude to the next level! If you have a bad attitude, decide to improve it a couple of levels! If you have a good attitude, take it to the "great" level!
Tom Childs holds an MBA from the University at Buffalo and is involved with several highly successful network marketing businesses.
View Tom's Blog Here:
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2:34 PM
MLM Article
MLM: Succeeding in MLM
MLM or Multi-Level Marketing can be defined as any system or process set up that allows any customers of a service or product to also become a sales representative for the company and rewards them further for this by giving them a reward for not only the direct sales/customers they establish, but also a percentage of any indirect sales made often many levels down. In other words you can buy for yourself and make money by selling and introducing others and have them repeat the process. It can also be called network marketing, because MLM sets up networks of people or teams working together for joint financial reward.
Many companies choose this process to sell their products for a variety of reasons. Firstly they don't have to spend money on sales representatives or advertising costs. There are huge numbers of companies involved in MLM and it has become accepted as the best way for small companies to complete against large multi-nationals and have any chance of grabbing market share from such strong corporations. Some successful MLM with a good reputation include companies like Tupperware, Nurtimetics and Avon. Other MLM's however have burnt the customers base - not because they didn't have good products, but because people brought their marketing system yet received little or no financial reward.
Because of this many people wrongly allege that MLM is solely a pyramid marketing system and therefore automatically unethical. Such a view is misleading. MLM rewards those who not only bring in customers but also rewards them if they can teach others to do the same. However where many people get burnt in MLM is they "buy" the marketing system and not the product. If you find yourself joining any MLM only for the money making potential you risk being burnt. If you don't believe in the product, if you don't use the product yourself, how can you ethically ask others to do the same?
MLM is ethical if YOU believe in the product, if YOU use the product and YOU believe others can do. Where MLM gets a bad rap is when people buy a product they don't use for themselves. If they are then unsuccessful at creating a huge downline they bail and leave. However if they brought the product for the products sake they are unlikely to ever leave because they will continue to use the product day after day.
Finally does MLM have potential. The answer to this is yes. Where many people fail in MLM is because they fail to understand the laws governing the process. The hardest thing in MLM is to get first few customers/ team members. This is because you are using your efforts alone. However when you get your first team member suddenly you have doubled your efforts. As the team grows the potential to leverage your results becomes huge. Many people give MLM a bad rap. because they fail to understand this law of increasing returns. That the hardest part is going to be at the start and that it will take TIME to be successful. There are also those individuals who are born salespeople who are going be instantly successful and these are often the 'banner boys' for the company. But the truth is the vast majority will only have success through hard work and not talent. This doesn't mean they shouldn't be involved in MLM it just means they have to realise their own limitations. The second step where most people fail in MLM is that they fail as a manager. The fail to motivate their team and teach their team to succeed. They fail to educate their downline.
The other law is it is better to get into an MLM as soon as possible, every second you delay you are allowing others to snatch potential customers from you. Remember every new customer is also a new competitor. Every market has some sort of limit, even the best product will eventually reach a saturation point. This doesn't mean that only the earliest members can succeed - in fact sometimes the most successful join mid-way through this growth curve, it just means it becomes harder.
The explosive growth potential in MLM's is what can make millionaires in a very short space of time, but such results need good marketing from you, they need you to be a team builder, they need you to find a sponser who can help you to succeed.
If your looking for a great MLM product still in its growth phase. Visit http://getfinancialfreedom4u.ws
This article is the property of Alastair HARRIS and his immediate family. It may be freely republished over the internet but must include original links.
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2:28 PM
MLM Article
The 9 Rules for Being Successful in MLM
Many people are looking to MLM opportunities as a way to earn either extra income, or to grow their MLM business into a business that will give them financial freedom.
In order to be successful in MLM a person needs to have the following.
1) The Ability to Never Give Up.
Those who succeed in MLM have the ability to not give up. They recognise the law of increasing returns (that every new person they introduce results in a doubling of their growth potential). Thus they know it requires them to put in effort over a period of time, that growth in the early stages will be slow but will accelerate over time.
2) The Ability to Find the Right Product.
Successful MLMers believe in their product. They know their product. They know why they wanted it. They know why others want it. They believe in the growth potential of their product and use their product. The have search the MLM world and found the BEST product.
3) They have found the right reward system.
An MLMer can only be successful if the MLM system gives them a good system for rewarding them. This doesn't mean that the reward system has to give a huge reward for each customer, but ideally the reward should be ongoing over time and be affordable for everyone. Further the reward system needs to go down many levels to exploit the law of increasing returns.
4) They have to be able to educate those below them.
A successful MLMer educates those below them. They educate them in the product, educate them on how to market, educate them on being successful. They celebrate their team members success as their own (because in MLM it is). In fact a great MLM sponser is like a parent - they want their children to be more successful than themselves.
5) They have the ability to sell to strangers.
Often network marketers fail because they only approach their own network - family and friends. To succeed in MLM you have to sell to strangers. These people ideally don't stay strangers - in an MLM they become team members and friends, but they start off as strangers.
6) They understand how to market.
The have to understand how to market, advertise and spread their product and opportunity to as many people as possible.
7) They celebrate their successes.
Successful MLMers love telling everyone how successful they are. They know their own sucess will attract more people. People love winners and want to be associated with winners.
8) They act on Opportunity.
Successful MLMers understand that the earlier they start in an MLM company the better. Thus they recognise the opportunity before them and act straight away.
9) They never give up.
Yes I know I said this, but they recognise MLM success requires time and effort. The are willing to put in effort over years. Most MLM millionaires got so over a period of years, not days - be realistic.
Looking for your own great MLM opportunity visit http://getfinancialfreedom4u.ws
This article is the property of Alastair HARRIS and his immediate family. It may be freely republished over the internet but must include original links.
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2:25 PM
MLM Article
Influence - A Necessary Ingredient For MLM Business Success
Do you want to expand your influence and become a leader in your MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) business? Of course you do. There are many benefits to doing so - you can have better relationships, you can make more money, and you can make a difference in the lives of others.
When you apply the following principles to your life you will see yourself become a better and more highly skilled person, and that will cause you to see your influence in your network marketing business grow exponentially. So let's take a look at these three basic principles of influence:
1) Character does indeed count. I always find it interesting when there is a discussion on whether or not character matters in leadership. Of course it does! You simply cannot become a person of long-term influence if you lack good character. Of course, the obvious questions are "What is character?", "What does it consist of?", "What are people looking for in character?".
Character is an issue of trust. People want to be able to trust you. They need to know that what you say is true. They need to know that when you say you will do something, you will. What makes people trust others? Honesty. Do you tell the truth? Always? If you do, you will greatly enhance your ability to influence. People will listen when you speak. They will know that what they hear is what they get.
Honesty is being the same personally and professionally. You don't act one way in one situation and another way in a different situation. When people see you tell a "little white lie" in one situation, it is only natural that they will wonder if you are eventually going to tell them a "little white lie" as well.
If you want to influence others, first and foremost make sure that you are a person of character and integrity. This is a central issue of influence.
2) To influence, you must also be great at what you do. The last in the class is not usually the influencer, right? Right! Who is usually the influencer? The first in the class. People look up to those who produce the best results. People want to see that those they listen to have already achieved a certain level of success. So if you want to influence, develop a reputation for excellence. By continually sharpening your skills and knowledge, by improving your relationships and your finances, you will more easily position yourself to be an influencer in the lives of others.
3) Influence is based on helping others. One of the most influential quotes in the arena of personal and professional development in the past fifty years has been Zig Ziglar's quote about how you can achieve anything you want in life if you will help many others achieve what they want out of life. It has been so influential because of its innate truth.
True influence is about serving and helping others. Do you want to be the "go to" man or woman in your network marketing business? Then be the best helper or servant in the group. Do you want to be connected like no one else? Then be the person whose name comes to mind when people ask themselves, "Who could help me with this?" If your name pops into their mind, that is influence! Why, because they will call you and you will get the opportunity to influence. And if you can deliver the goods, your reputation will grow even more!
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6:09 AM
MLM Article
Internet MLM vs. Tradition MLM Business - How Internet MLM Can Get You to Your Goals in Record-Time!
Traditional network marketing companies have come a long way. These businesses have paved the way for state of the art Internet network marketing. Because of them, you too can make a healthy living with an online business.
Traditional business network marketing models are fading out:
1. Cold calling people everyday is not fun and it can quickly drain your pockets and your spirits if you let it.
2. You are using load of your own time and money for little reward at first.
3. You would have to meet up with prospects to offer your presentation.
However, the upside is the same for both businesses. Once you get a team under you, you’ll get paid FOREVER.
Read the following sentence very carefully:
What if you could combine the HUGE, QUICK success you can have with an Internet marketing campaign with the Growing Long Term Passive income of network marketing?
The Return of investment can be extremely overwhelming.
Scalability factor of Internet mlm over traditional mlm:
1. Leverage of the strength of Internet - Using Internet, recruitment is done 24 a day-7 days a week, even when you are sleeping!
2. You can reach out on a global scale customer base that is already interested in your product.
3. You can find a highly targeted audience for your products with ease.
4. You do not have to be physically there to do recruitment (for tradition mlm business). Your sales website will do the job for you.
Velocity of recruitment:
1. The speed of recruitment can be astonishingly fast if you do your marketing campaign appropriately.
2. Your business will grow at amazing speed with less grunt work and rejection than for traditional network marketing businesses.
Personally, I will only look at business that has the following attributes:
Time Freedom: The business need to be able to run by itself with or without my physical presence once the system is set up.
Residual Income: It must possess the ability to pay me again and again for the effort that I have put in the past. For example, one effort will equal repeat sales over a long period of time.
Scalability factor: It must be Scalable. An Internet factor enables me to scale my business on a global scale. I will be able to reach my target audience from all parts of the world.
Why would you choose a traditional network marketing company? An Internet mlm business surpasses traditional network marketing companies and brings you closer to your goals in record-breaking time!
Will Toh is a preeminent internet marketer, with immerse passion in internet MLM and personal Development. Discover the quick and easy guide to your financial freedom.
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6:07 AM
MLM Article
Common Mistakes Made By Affiliate MLM Internet Marketers
All of us know that marketing other’s products is one of the fastest ways to establish an income stream on the Internet. With mlm or affiliate products, you don’t need to find, purchase and warehouse or ship any stock. All we have to do is to drive traffic to your site and click through to the affiliate product.
Common Mistakes Made By Affiliate, MLM Internet Marketers:
~ Staying Focused Don’t market 20 products all at one time! Be laser focused and get massive results.
~ Using too many techniques ALL AT THE SAME TIME to generate traffic The fact is that multi tasking is not real power. Focus on one market at a time and sell those affiliate products. Diversifying your business will be too overwhelming for you. If you need to do more work, bring in others to help if you can. You can focus on selling, while the others focus on writing, promoting, etc.
~Persevere Try and give up too easily. When you give up, you fail. Those who persevere will succeed. When you start your business you must finish it and continue it if you want to succeed. You might need to change things from time to time and you will certainly learn some important lessons. However, giving up after one mistake is not how you will make sales.
~Real business (it is such a low capital investment that some people don’t take it seriously enough) This is a real business and should be treated that way. This is not a way to get rich quick. You must work at it. You must comply with your nation’s and state’s laws. You are in the business of network affiliate marketing. While it is relatively easy and fun, it is still a business and should be treated as so.
~ Duplicate failure instead of success If you are failing over and over again you might need to ask for help. Asking for help from others is not a bad thing. You can succeed better by networking with others in the same business. If you are failing more than once, you need to take a good look at what you have done. Why did you fail each time? What needs to change so you will have success?
The secret to all success is actually very simple - To KISS (Keep it short and simple)
People are lazy not because they are born lazy. I strongly believe that it is just that they have yet to find their real passion in life. In conclusion, I would like to challenge you, with your permission, to find out what your true passion in life is. What excites you enough to make you want to wake up every morning and take massive action towards your dream? That is passion and with passion comes success.
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5:56 AM
MLM Article
How to Succeed in Internet MLM
Not too long ago, I reached a milestone in my life. I was desperately trying to run a brick and mortar business, but it was quickly teetering on the verge of bankruptcy. My bank account was nearly depleted, bills were mounting daily and I thought I had reached the end of the line.
However, I am a firm believer in the philosophy that a bend in the road is not the end of the road... unless you fail to make the turn. In addition, I have always been pretty optimistic, so I firmly believed that I could make a successful living in MLM online. Today, I am well on my way to achieving my goals. Here are some of the things I feel are the most important attributes for making your dreams come true.
1. Discipline – Most people have their own innate technique for attaining success. Yet, no matter what line of work they embark on, the most successful people are able to adapt their abilities, knowledge, persona and networking skills to any opportunity. Of course, it often takes a great deal of persistence and hard work before they discover exactly which of these attributes is best suited to the particular task at hand. Marketers who have discovered and developed their niches are quick to realize that they must actively pursue their goals and more importantly, they are adamant that they must never quit.
2. Persistence: In order to attain true success in any endeavor, you must have a fervent belief in yourself. Never underestimate the power of positive thinking. Once you convince yourself that you will succeed, convincing others comes naturally. Most of the time, the only obstacle to perfection is self-doubt. Make success your number one goal and pursue this mantra constantly and you will succeed.
3. Interest: The most successful business people are the ones who actively pursue promoting a product or service they love. For them, a labor of love is never really a labor at all and they are able to fully develop the focus and marketability of their interest by projecting a contagious sense of enthusiasm to their clients.
4. Never Accept Failure: In order to reach your full potential in any business, you have to be persistent. Far too often people underestimate their own self-worth and, because they fear rejection, they give up as soon as they hear the word “no”. Successful people never take no for an answer; they quickly come to realize that ‘no’ can very often mean ‘not now’ or ‘not this way’. They take advantage of any opportunity to approach potential clients and are quick to adapt their pitch so it appeals to their audience.
5. Positive Marketing: Everyone likes to hear about another person’s success. Negativity has absolutely no place in marketing. Your projections must be perceived as the best – and the only way to portray that type of confidence is by having a total belief in your product or service. You must be positive that your product is positively the best.
6. Commitment: Your commitment to your business venture has to be almost constant and always sincere. Few successful people get where they are by working at it sporadically. However, your commitment has to be balanced realistically with your personal situation. Timing, planning and cooperation are also a big part of how much time you can commit to any project. Your biggest commitment should be to yourself. If you want to succeed, you must be committed to success.
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5:54 AM
MLM Article
MLM Is Alive And Kicking
MLM or multi level marketing as it is also known has over recent years received some bad press. The main reason for it's somewhat tarnished reputation has more to do with miseducation than hard facts. People hear the term MLM and immediately their guard is up expecting all kinds of double dealings and get rich quick schemes. Then they switch off to whatever you have to say about your latest hot opportunity after which point everything goes straight in one ear and out of the other. This is a little sad because real MLM is a legitimate business opportunity designed to sell real products or services and reward everyone involved. The best way to explain what makes a real MLM business is perhaps to exclude those things that are no such thing.
An legitimate MLM business is not one that has no real products or services to sell. Companies spring up all the time especially on the internet that are to say the least a little vague about what they are actually selling. These types of business are only interested in recruiting members into a "downline" for a monthly fee in exchange for some flimsy marketing system that is designed purely to recruit more of the same. Nothing is ever sold to anyone but fees are taken and commissions are paid to those who bring other folks into the system. The end result is that when the supply of folks coming in at the bottom is no longer sufficient to finance the commission payments up the line the whole thing collapses in on itself. This is called a pyramid scheme and most governments have outlawed such programs as totally illegal. So always check that any company you are considering joining sells real products or services and not just online marketing system.
Not so long ago there was a proliferation of pay to surf programs that operated under the guise of internet marketing companies. The way they worked was that you invested money with them and they then paid you a huge return on that investment if you clicked on other peoples adds whilst surfing the internet. The only problem was that the adds you surfed were placed by other folks also surfing for money with the same program just as you. What was more these programs were offering to pay you comission on the money folks you signed up paid into the program. You don't need to be Einstein to work out that with no product or service being sold and money going out in interest/commissions the system was unsustainable. Once the supply of new people coming in dried up the whole thing went belly up and most folks lost whatever they had invested at the time. This was a classic "ponzi" scheme named after a guy called Charles Ponzi a criminal who in the 1920s defrauded thousands of dollars from investors in similar pyramid type schemes.
A genuine MLM business is one that offers real products or services at sensible prices and does not charge fees just to partake. There are plenty of them out there and folks are making a real living out of MLM selling a huge range of products from soap to credit cards. Multi level marketing does exactly what it says on the tin. It markets at multi levels with everyone sharing the work load and being rewarded for their efforts. You are encouraged to recruit people into the business and yes you do also leverage your commissions through their efforts. The difference is however that everyone earns directly from their own sales and is rewarded accordingly.
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5:46 AM
MLM Article