Network Marketing has certainly taken a beating over the years by people that have a personal vendetta against MLM for one reason or another. And Network Marketing has also had it's share of people poking fun at it.
Mark Fuller's new movie about MLM, titled Believe: The Movie, is no exception. It pulls out all the stereotypes that are associated with MLM and the people that promote it.
Now, if we're going to be really honest - the MLM industry is full of people like Mark Fuller's character. He pushes products and his business opportunity onto other people in a cheesy/sleezy kind of way.
It's a hysterical portrayal of a MLMer who has obviously been misguided, which is typical with most MLM training.
Not misguided because of the positive thinking, can't-lose attitude, and winning salesmanship - but because his methods of building his MLM business have some major flaws. I actually like his attitude.
Don't worry though, you won't catch me outside knocking on doors, calling on prospects, pimping around the malls, or hassling my friends and family to join my business!
That's why I left MLM for a couple years and came back when I figured out I didn't have to work face-to-face to be successful. Anyone that knows me can tell you, I never had the guts to be this outgoing and pushy.
They'll also tell you that I sit at home and build my MLM business over the web as successfully as anyone using the methods shown in Mark Fuller's new movie.
I can do this because unlike Mark Fuller's character, I have built a training and recruiting system that can be easily duplicated by anyone no matter what MLM company they're with.
I've also created a presence online that brings respect from business opportunity seekers as well as my associates.
Mark Fuller's character lacks both of these essential elements to building a successful MLM business.
So when you go to see Mark Fuller's movie, be sure and don't take the movie the wrong way. It's funny and that's all. (although I did know a few folks like this before I went strictly online...)
Take the movie for what it is and nothing else. The creator may be slamming the MLM industry because of a bad experience - who knows? If that's the case, don't let that keep you from enjoying the movie for what it is... a comedy about MLM.
And whether you're a veteran at MLM or a new entrepreneur looking to give MLM a shot, don't think that being pushy, cheesy, or sleesy is the only way to be successful with MLM.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Believe-The MLM Movie-Portrays A Misguided MLMer
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5:07 AM
MLM Article
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